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China 2000 Srl

China 2000 Srl
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Company Profile

China 2000有限公司始于1998年,是由塔基提家族于1946年开创的专用于与中国长期合作多种商业活动的团体。成立的初衷是中国为了从意大利佛罗伦萨进口由恩里科· 塔基提创始的秸秆编织草帽,该草帽起源于1867年。1980之后由Ubaldo Taccetti继承 China 2000有限公司并不断壮大。1995年至今在Michele Taccetti米盖力.塔切蒂的经 营下巩固了其在中国市场的地位,并在中国设立了常驻办事处。

China 2000有限公司收集了从1994年至1998年开展的所有活动所积累的资产,这些活动都是塔基提出任华润(欧洲)有限公司驻意大利代表处的负责人时开展的,这是中 国香港华润(集团)在意大利的分支机构,其欧洲总部注册于荷兰的鹿特丹。中国香港华润(集团)是由毛泽东主席于1948年创设的,属于国营机关单位。

China 2000有限公司主要在中国市场的各个产品领域(纺织品和服装,食品和饮料,家具,机械,房地产,旅游,艺术,娱乐,体育)开展宣传和销售意大利产品和服务的 活动。活动,电子,汽车,物流等)并提供法律,会计/行政,采购,质量控制,营销,补贴金融部门的相关服务。


在中国工作需要了解本土化的环境和创业方法:China 2000有限公司 便是这两项因素的强强结合,因为这家公司拥有意大利 -中国的双边知识背景, 能够了解并满足意 大利运营商关于面对一个新的市场的需求,特别是中小企业和想要实现国际化的工匠。

由于Taccetti塔切蒂家族在中国持续经营超过70年的长期商业关系,China 2000有限公司已经建立了一个集合作伙伴,专业人士和各个商业领域佼佼者的庞大网络。

China 2000有限公司的优势在于:
- Taccetti家族三代人与中国合作的商业经验;
- 在中国的办事处,合作伙伴,员工和定制旅行等直营且稳定的商业网络;
- 意大利管理层的正确管理,对意大利品牌和产品的品质保障;
- 从市场获取直接和最新信息的活动的透明度。

China 2000 Srl was born in 1998 as a synthesis of a long commercial activity with China started by the Taccetti family in 1946, with the importation in Italy of straw braids for the production of the straw hat of Florence by Enrico Taccetti e Figli founded in 1867, continued since 1980 by Ubaldo Taccetti and consolidated from 1995 until today with the activity of Michele Taccetti and the creation of permanent offices in China.
China 2000 Srl collects the legacy of the activities carried out from 1994 to 1998 by Taccetti as responsible for the Italian headquarters of China Resources (Europe) Co B.V. based in Rotterdam, the European headquarters of China Resources (Holdings) in Hong Kong, a Chinese state-owned company founded in 1948 at the behest of Mao Tze Tung.

China 2000 Srl mainly carries out the activity of promotion and sale of products and services Made in Italy in the Chinese market in various product sectors (textiles and clothing, food & beverage, furniture, machinery, real estate, tourism, art, entertainment, sporting events, electronics , automotive, logistics and other) and offers related services in the legal, accounting / administrative, sourcing, quality control, marketing, subsidized finance sectors.
It also carries out import services from China, but only on certain projects.

To work in China requires direct knowledge of the environment and an entrepreneurial approach: China 2000 Srl is the result of the coexistence of these two factors as a company with an Italian-Chinese mentality able to meet the needs and understand the needs of Italian operators that face a new market, in particular the Small and Medium Enterprises and the artisans who want to internationalize.

Thanks to the long commercial relationships and constant presence of the Taccetti family in China for over 70 years, China 2000 Srl has created a network of partners, professional figures and companies able to manage the various commercial areas.

The strengths of China 2000 Srl are:
- the commercial experience of the Taccetti family that has been working with China for three generations
- the stable, direct and commercial presence in China, with offices, partners, staff and periodic trips
- the Italian management, to guarantee the correct management of Italian brands and products
- the transparency of the activity to obtain direct and updated information from the market                                  

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