About Creator



 CCPIT Beijing, a foreign economic and trade organization composed of representative figures, enterprises, associations and groups in Beijing’s economic and trade circle, is a mass organization managed in reference to the Civil Service Law, and a member of international organizations, i.e. the permanent member of the World Trade Center Association and the Beijing Workstation of UNIDO. Its tenet is promoting foreign trade, promoting utilization of foreign investment, promoting introduction of advanced technologies, management and talent, as well as promoting Sino-foreign economic and technological cooperation and exchanges in various forms.




中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会(简称北京市贸促会)成立于1978年,是代行北京市政府贸易促进职能、开展民间对外交往的公共服务机构,由北京 市经济贸易界有代表性的人士、企业、协会和团体组成,拥有4000家会员单位,在北京14个区县和开发区设有贸促支会。其宗旨是:遵循政府的政策、法令,开展促进对外贸易、利用外资、引进外国先进技术及各种形式的中外经济技术合作,促进北京同世界各国、各地区之间的贸易和经济关系的发展,增进北京同世界各 国人民以及经贸界之间的了解与友谊。