PROJECT NAME: Planning and Coordination of Operations - PCO
EXECUTING DEPARMENT:Municipal Public Health Company of Rio de Janeiro – RioSaúde
INVOLVED DEPARTMENTS:Municipal Public Health Company of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Secretariat of Health and Municipal Information Technology Company
Considering the ever-increasing demand and the financial constraint:考虑到不断增长的需求和财务约束:
● The need to increase productivity and quality of production in hospital units, using existing resources. 需要使用现有资源提高医院单位的生产力和生产质量。
● The need for useful information to the manager in his decision-making process regarding the best allocation of existing resources or investments. 在决策过程中需要向经理提供有关现有资源或投资的最佳分配的有用信息。
Need to optimize multiple hospitals individually (in the city of Rio de Janeiro, there are 8 major surgical hospitals), and capacity planning of the public health services network 需要单独优化多家医院(在里约热内卢市,有8家主要的外科医院),以及公共卫生服务网络的容量规划
An unprecedented solution that uses complex mathematical models to organize and optimize the allocation of dozens of variables that impact the production of the Surgical Center of large hospitals.
The solution also has functionalities to manage the average time of patient stay, by type of illness, and check-list verification for safe surgery, online in the operating room. It allows to make simulations to determine the need for investments and define scenarios of optimization of productivity, profitability, by medical clinic or any other important variable for the manager. The PCO tracks patient flow from registration to discharge. It provides online mobile information and enables ad hoc re-planning in seconds. 这是一个前所未有的解决方案,它使用复杂的数学模型来组织和优化影响大型医院外科中心生产的数十个变量的分配。
该解决方案还具有管理患者住院时间,疾病类型和安全手术检查清单验证的功能,可在手术室在线进行。 它允许进行模拟以确定投资需求,并定义生产力,盈利能力,医疗诊所或经理的任何其他重要变量的优化方案。 PCO跟踪患者从注册到出院的流量。 它提供在线移动信息,并可在几秒钟内进行临时重新规划。
The project was implemented in March 2016 in a large public hospital, the Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital, in Rio de Janeiro, as a pilot project, where it proved benefits such as a 40\\\% increase in the number of surgeries performed and a 45\\\% reduction in the suspension rate. 该项目于2016年3月在里约热内卢的一家大型公立医院LourençoJorgeMunicipal Hospital实施,作为试点项目,提供了诸如手术数量增加40%和减少45%等益处。 在暂停率。
● To increase the productivity by optimizing scarce resources. 通过优化稀缺资源来提高生产力。
● To reduce the average length of hospital stay and thus increase access to health services. 减少平均住院时间,从而增加获得医疗服务的机会
● To increase the quality of service provided to users (safe surgery). 提高为用户提供的服务质量(安全手术)
● To generate information for the operational and investment decision-making process. 为运营和投资决策过程生成信息
To manage a single row of surgeries in the public hospital network, increasing the capacity to serve the population. 管理公立医院网络中的单排手术,提高服务人口的能力。
The problems/opportunities found at the Lourenço Jorge Hospital are the same as those of any surgical hospital, public or private: Lourenço Jorge医院发现的问题/机会与任何外科医院,公共或私人医院相同:
● Dozens of variables impact the planning of surgeries and decisions are made without the support of accurate information. 数十个变量影响手术计划,并且在没有准确信息支持的情况下做出决策。
● Decisions are usually made by the head nurse of the operating room and, of course, due to the large amount of relevant information and complexity of optimizing the resources, are always sub optimized; 决策通常由手术室的护士长做出,当然,由于大量的相关信息和优化资源的复杂性,总是次优化;
● Average length of stay is not accompanied, negatively impacting the rotation of the beds.
● 平均逗留时间不受影响,对床的旋转产生负面影响
● Historical information is not systematically used as a basis for improving future decisions.
● 历史信息没有被系统地用作改进未来决策的基础。
● There is no evidence-based information for decision making.没有基于证据的决策信息。
● Scarce resources are wasted or misused. 稀缺的资源被浪费或滥用。
Non-unified queues, with patients enrolled in multiple hospital queues, leads to long waits for care and treatment. 非统一排队,患者入住多个医院队列,导致长期等待护理和治疗。
Considering the current situation of a large public hospital of 300 beds, which has no hardware or data network, the estimated investment is: 考虑到拥有300张病床的大型公立医院的现状,其中有硬件或数据网络,估计投资是:
• Implementation: R$ 460,000 (An estimate of USD 140,000 as of 01/11/17) Consultancy, training and post-implementation support 实施:460,000雷亚尔(截至2012年11月1日估计为140,000美元)咨询,培训和实施后支持
• Hardware and Network: from R$ 120,000 to R$ 310,000 (An estimate of USD 36.600 up to USD 95.000 as of 01/11/17) for a hospital without IT infrastructure
TOTAL: USD 235,000 per hospital, if we consider the 7 major hospitals, the total would be R$5.390.000 or USD 1.656.066
In addition to the monthly cost of R$ 20,000 per hospital for the maintenance of softwares 此外,每个医院每月花费20,000雷亚尔用于维护软件
项目联系人:ena,邮箱:ena@eshowglobal.com 电话:86-10-56234973