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gear box



Italy    City:MAGNAGO

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I costanti investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo, il livello tecnologico degli impianti produttivi, la scelta accuratissima delle materie prime e dei diversi componenti utilizzati, l'attenzione rivolta a ciascuno degli aspetti dell'intero processo industriale e soprattutto la grande esperienza delle diverse equipe di lavoro consentono all'azienda la fornitura di prodotti di valore assoluto. L'offerta del gruppo Zambello riguarda le seguenti tipologie di prodotti: riduttori per estrusori monovite, riduttori per estrusori bivite corotanti, riduttori per estrusori bivite controrotanti (paralleli e conici), riduttori e motoriduttori per presse elettriche a iniezione, riduttori speciali.
Product Details

Gearboxes for single-screw extruders
The ZPE series for single-screw extruders places Zambello at highest level in the world
as to the transmissible torque as referred to weight and dimension of the gearbox.
The series of this range are very complete and go from the smallest gearbox of size 90 (for extruders
with 25 to 30 mm screw diameter)up to gearboxes of size 630 (for big
extruders with 300 to 400 mm screw diameter).

The high level of this range regards designing and manufacturing of toothed gears,
which are completely built and tested at the Zambello factory, and also of the components
which are supplied by the most important European manufacturers.
Due to the politics of the constant extension of the spare-parts stock,
Zambello is able to ensure best punctuality as regards delivery times.

The ZPE range offers 3 different series:
ZPE1 for high revolutions (reduction ratio from i=2 to i=6.3)
ZPE2 for medium revolutions (reduction ratio from i=6.3 to i=28)
ZPE3 for medium and low revolutions (reduction ratio from i=6.3 to i=125).
